image © Robert Luis Chavez
The Queens Chamber...
Another view of the cracked eggs in the Bisti Badlands.
About ten years ago Eduardo Fuss shared his discoveries in the Bisti with several other photographers. What began was an annual trek of Santa Fe based photographers that now includes Kent Bowser, D.B. Friedrichs, Ford Robbins, myself, and of course, Eduardo Fuss. We usually go in the fall, however I'll go just about anytime and I've made several trips in the summer to photograph lightning.
Camping in the badlands during the full moon can be a special treat and we frequently plan our trips to coincide with it. Once the sun sets and you're in the heart of the badlands with the enormity of the universe clearly visible in the night sky, it can be an eerie place. Mostly out of sight by day, a few critters make their prescence known at night. Owls that during the day seem annoyed by my presence call boldly, softly. Coyote call and occaisionally peer down from atop a formation. Large bats, probably out of curiosity, hover silently over my camera and tripod while I make the required long exposures needed to record the landscape in moonlight