image © Robert Luis
A snow covered yucca. This is one of several species I've
planted in the yard that are commonly called Spanish Dagger.
Just as the snow from a paralyzing pre-Christmas storm was finished melting, another, even larger storm dumped two and a half to three feet of new snow in the Santa Fe area - just in time for the new year. The snow smothered most of New Mexico shutting down large portions of I-25 and I-40 with snow measured in the feet. Other places in north-eastern New Mexcio reported snow drifts from 6 to 15 feet that completely cut off travel in some rural areas and ranches. Cities like Albuqurque, accustommed to only light dustings in the winter, were hammered by snow totals of over 18 inches.
People in Santa Fe and in villages like Canada De Los Alamos, where I live, have had weeks of weather caused headaches since the really big snow started on the Thursday after Christmas. On this writing, January 30th a full month after the storm hit, most of the open ground around home still has a layer of compacted snow from six to ten inches thick. Yet, as bad as us "townies" have had it, one concern was that a larger humanitarian and agricultural crisis was looming in the more remote rurul areas of New Mexico. People and livestock were cut-off from food, water, and even help.
Governor Bill Richardson declared a state of disaster in New Mexico right at the beginning of 2007, and directed National Guard troops to rescue stranded residents and drop hay to livestock by Black Hawk helicopter. Nearly a full week after the record storm started on December 29th, New Mexico residents were still digging out amid hopes for warmer weather to help melt the record amounts of snow.
image © Robert
Luis Chavez
This is the path I shoveled in the snow to the dog's yard.
In the Village of Cañada De Los Alamos, 10 miles southeast of Santa Fe, I was snowed in at home for at least three days. There was virtually no vehicle traffic in the neighborhood for a couple of days - even the Deliverance neighbors had to curtail their "patrols" for a while. When the sun came up Sunday morning, we had 2 1/2 to three feet of snow and everything was a winter wonderland. The trees and yucca really caught my eye, the way they held huge drifts of snow. more
image © Robert Luis Chavez
Lucy in the snow with diamonds.
Email: email me
Phone: (505) 982-4457
Robert L. Chavez
2 Torreon Place
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
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